Thales Group

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Thales Group
10001-100000 employees

South Africa

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Thales, having a great understanding of the Critical Decision Chain, always has a role to play whenever critical decisions need to be made. They serve in markets like aerospace, space, ground, transportation, security and defence. The company helps their customers to decide and act in timely fashion and obtain the best outcomes. Thale provides the tools and technologies that their customers need to gather process and distribute information. With world-class technology, the combined expertise of their employees, and 56 locally based country operations; Thale has become a key player in assuring the security of citizens, infrastructure and nations. The understanding of critical decision chain underpins Thale’s innovation and technological developments in areas such as large scale software-driven systems, secure communications, sensors (radar, sonar, optical), supervision, and onboard electronics, satellites and systems integration.

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Thales Group